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Holly Grange Primary School

Pre Prep Overview

The Pre-Prep class consists of children from 4 to 7 years of age. Children start in Foundation 2 when they are 4 years old and progress through Years 1 and 2 when they move into the Prep department in Year 3.

For all children in Pre-Prep the day begins at 8.30am and ends at 3.30pm. There are after school activities available until 5pm but it is recommended that Pre-Prep children choose only one or two clubs to attend each week as their day is already quite long.
Throughout Pre-Prep pupils are encouraged to read on a daily basis both at school and at home. Children are taught to write using a cursive hand and are encouraged to join their writing when they are ready.

Listed below are the main published schemes that we use in Pre-Prep, although all work is supplemented by using other sources where appropriate.

We use Jolly Phonics for letter sounds, spellings and grammar. We read books from the Storyworlds scheme and Oxford Reading Tree.

We follow the New Heinemann Maths scheme in all age ranges. We do not follow any published schemes for other subjects but we broadly cover the National Curriculum topics using a variety of resources including books, websites and interactive computer programmes.

Foundation 2 children have a structured day which involves lots of structured fun activities involving play and some more formal lessons. They are encouraged to build their skills through imaginative play, outdoor play and activities such as cooking, games and using the interactive whiteboard.

In Foundation 2 we:

• Learn to recognise and write letter sounds using Jolly Phonics

• Begin to blend sounds together to read and spell words

• Learn how to count and write numbers correctly

• Explore our world both inside and outside of the classroom

• Do lots of fun activities including cooking